establishment sonnara for beekeeing and honey product

for honeybee product and care of beekeeber on all world

الجمعة، 28 يونيو 2013

American Foulbrood Bee Disease

Honeybees are plagued by the American foulbrood disease (AFB), which is
considered to be the most fatal of honeybee brood diseases. The disease
attacks only the very young larvae. Larvae older that 48 hours are not
susceptible. Adult bees are not affected by the disease.
American foulbrood disease is caused by the spore-forming bacterium known
as Paenibacillus larvae. The bacterium exists in two forms: the spore stage
and the vegetative stage, which consists of a slender rod-shaped bacterial
cells. Only the spore stage is contagious to bees
The disease disseminates rapidly through a colony and can result in
significant losses in colony production and the death of the colony. The
beekeeper should ensure his colonies are free of AFB to prevent reduced
production and death of colonies.
It is of paramount importance that every beekeeper should know the
symptoms and means of transmission of AFB and be able to recognize it in its
early stages. It is vitally important to detect the disease as early as possible.
Early detection will prevent the disease spreading to healthy colonies.
Points to note about AFB:
• AFB is a highly contagious brood disease.
• The causative organism can produce as many as 2.5 billion spores in
each larva.
• Adult bees can carry spores without themselves becoming diseased.

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